We can only say that we will do our best to make the process of searching for and buying a property as easy as possible, and above all to explain the real state of things, because it is the first and most important step in the buying process itself. Regardless of whether you are a real estate buyer, seller or just interested in something related to this topic, feel free to contact us and you will receive an answer “on Wednesday” as we say in Dalmatia. We offer only properties that, in our humble opinion, have a real value or at least close to real value, and we never include real estate in our offer just to have a lot of offers.
We specialize in more luxurious apartments, newly built villas with swimming pools, houses in the first row to the sea, land in the first row to the sea or with a great view, etc…
Please note that our entire offer is not on the website to protect some of our customers so please feel free to send us your inquiry as we may have just what you are looking for.
We offer houses, villas, apartments in Vodice, Tribunj, Murter, Šibenik, Brodarica, Žaborić, Grebaštica, Primošten, Rogoznica, Ražnje, Vinišće, Seget Vranjica.